Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring is here

I'm sitting in my bedroom with the windows open, the sound of a weedeater working in the background. I LOVE spring. No matter what's going on in my world, spring weather just makes everything better.

The great news is, things have changed drastically for me in the past month or so. I was offered a job where I get PAID to PAINT! What's even better, is that I get paid enough to be able to work LESS!!! So this week I've been *not at work all day* which has allowed me to start a new body of work.... which I am so excited about.

The thing is, I'm finally getting to do what I love. I've worked since I was 16 in order to do what I love on the side.... and now, what I love is what I do. And it's so thrilling and heart racingly (is that a word?) amazing. It makes me shake with joy. Honestly, I can't even believe this is my life. I'll stop gushing now. But not for long.

And what makes this whole thing even better, is that I've worked HARD for this. This was not just handed to me... the opportunity, yes, was unexpected, but well deserved after many, many years of traveling a rough road.

So I want to say thank you... to all of you who believed in me, who have supported me for so long, having faith that I had what it took to make this a reality.  I wouldn't have done this without you.

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