Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Juice Fasting

Today I had a candy bar for lunch. You heard me. It was one of those fancy organic kind. Like that makes it any healthier. It wasn't my intention to replace my lunch with chocolate. But I was impatient, and then I was full, and then I didn't want to eat lunch anymore.
A few nights ago I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I recently bought a juicer and my sister and brother-in-law suggested watching the film.
I was mesmerized. Not by the pounds that the people shed in the film (although that was cool). But by the feelings they were describing. The energy, the lack of pain or headaches or allergies. How after a few days of juicing, their cravings subsided. How they felt clarity.
I've been longing for several years to feel that way. I was one of those people who didn't have to worry about their weight. I could eat ANYTHING. I drank so much beer in college I could have gotten a degree in it. I was skinny. Then I turned 25. I never had to develop healthy eating habits, so I just kept eating and not exercising the way I had been my whole life. When I look around me, I look like an average 31 year old woman. There are people who are bigger and smaller than me. I'm about somewhere in the middle.
But that's not good enough for me anymore. To be clear, I'm not saying the actual size of my body isn't good enough. What I'm saying is that feeling tired, sluggish, and foggy most of my day is not how I'm going to live my life anymore. I deserve better. I deserve to feel good. To chase my nephew around the yard. To eat a healthy meal and feel satisfied and good about what I ate. To go on bike rides or hikes regularly without it hurting. I'm not proud of the position I've gotten my body into. But it's reversible, and I love myself enough to take care of it.
I've been inspired to do a juice fast. I intend to start with a 10 day fast, but may go longer if I feel like it's a healthy choice. I've done TONS of research the last three days (and will continue to do more) and have decided to start next Friday, April 27. That way I have the weekend to adjust as much as possible before going back to work on Monday. I will be updating my blog everyday to let you know my progress, etc, if you feel like checking in.
This is going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm not an advocate of drastic diet changes. I don't really agree with doing something desperate for the short term and then going back to old habits. Supposedly, this fast will help reset me so that it's easier and more desirable for me to make healthy choices.
I'm also doing this fast for spiritual reasons. Fasting is one of the spiritual disciplines, and I expect this experience will make me feel closer to God.
So there you have it. My big announcement.
Today, I made a practice juice. The recipe is here. I chose to drink it out of my one fancy wine glass. Just because it's more fun that way.

I'm only changing my life.


  1. You drank how much beer in College?

  2. Haha! Your mom's comment :)

    Yay, so excited to join you on April 30. It will be my first (I guess, second) day of being 31, so a great time for me to reboot as well. We need to stock up on movies to watch that week at night!!!

  3. I felt like you were reading my journal when you mentioned 50 lbs in 6 years once hitting 25. It's crazy how it creeps up on us and how many of us seem to be in denial about it? I've been curious about fasting after my cousin did one last year. I look forward to reading about your adventure and recipes. Congrats!
