Friday, April 15, 2011

Cards in the Mail

I made this today, for my friend Brenna in Colorado.
We've been friends for 17 years. SEVENTEEN. That's a lot of years. Most of those years, we've lived in different states. And sometimes we go months without talking. But we always pick up where we left off, like we just saw each other yesterday. Brenna is having a baby! I'm so excited for her, but I truly wish I was close enough to see her going through this lovely and amazing stage of her life.
So I made her this card. I've been thinking about how convenient technology is for keeping in touch, but also how much it's taken away from hearing each other's voices and seeing each other's handwriting. So I'm going to start making cards for people and mailing them. If you want one, email me (irony) your address ( And I challenge you to make more personal connections with your friends as often as you can.

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