Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birthday Bear

My nephew Rhys turned 1 yesterday! I have been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time around him during his first year of life. It's been really cool to see him change and grow. But it's just as cool to see my sister TOTALLY in love with her child.
Anyway, I made him this:
It's kind of funny looking, but hopefully he'll like it. I've really gotten into making my nieces and nephews gifts over the last year. There is just something special about it. And it's nice to sit and think about them while I'm creating a unique creature that's just for them.
This pattern came from a book called "Softies" by Therese Laskey. My sister Heather bought it for me for my 30th birthday. I'm glad to be using it! You can find it here:

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