Sunday, May 8, 2011

all the cool kids (will) have them

I've been meaning to do this for awhile... stitch on some ties. Most guys I know refuse to wear them, but maybe this will change their minds.... maybe?
My friend Rebekka and I went thrift store shopping yesterday. And there I saw them. Ties. Lots of them. Mostly weird ones, like with Santa Claus on them, or golf balls or something. But I picked up a few that I think will look very nice with some stitching on them.
And robots are so hot right now (said in a Mugatu from Zoolander accent).
I have some even better designs in my mind, but you'll have to wait on those.
These are my friends. They're married to each other. Aren't they cute?

But the best part of this day, is that my good friend Grace went into labor! So excited.

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