Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 10: Karen

Yall. This girl. Karen! Where do I even begin??? How about with the first day that I met her? I had moved towns between seventh and eighth grade, which meant going to a MUCH bigger Jr. High School without knowing ANYONE. Obviously, Jr. High is awkward enough, but then having to go to a new school.... as a super shy thirteen year old.... well, that was hard. But then in Athletics class, this girl comes up to me and says "Are you new here?" She was the first person in that school to approach me and become by friend. And I will never forget that!

Fast forward twenty years... through the ups and downs and stupid drama of high school, through going off to the same college, through growing up and watching her become a Christian. Through witnessing her marriage to a wonderful man. To see her become the mother of not one, not two, not three, but four babies.

Karen loves her family, her God and her chickens. She'll shoot a snake with a gun if they mess with her chickens.

This girl is a rock for me. I can tell her anything. ANYTHING. And she just loves me, and prays for me, and guides me and speaks wisdom to me. She blows my mind with the grace she shows everyone she comes into contact with. She shows me how a Christian should love. And I am so very, very grateful and honored to call her my friend.

**This is part of the 52 portraits series**

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